
Located 2.5km to the south of zhaoxian couty ( the old name is zhaozhou) in Hebei Province, the Zhaozhou Bridge is the existing earlist and best preserved single span open spandrel circulartone segmental arch bridge with the largest span.The bridge, originally named the Anji bridge and popu;arly named as the Large stone bridge, was built in 591-599 A..D. The bridge is 64.4m long and 9m wide. The main arch was laid longitudinally with 28 parallel arch ribs. Above each of the main arch ring there are two small arches. On both sides of the radway there are stone balustrades. Though it underwent 14 destructive earthquakes, serveral floods and war fire, the bridge remains lofty and solid. It is praised as one of four famous historical wonders in north China.